UYB is a 10-week, high-touch, group program for creative service providers, educators, and digital content creators.
🚨 we are now pre-registering for the Spring cohort, which will be capped at 15 spots. Save your spot.
Feeling like our bestie Frazzled Fran. ➡️
She’s one failed payment from the IRS busting her door down,
Paperwork is everywhere,
Bookkeeping systems are systemless,
Cash flow is a train-wreck,
And she has no idea if her business is properly protected with trademarks, LLCs, contracts, and insurance.
We want you feeling more like Buttoned-Up-Betsy instead. ➡️
She formed an S corp to save taxes and setup payroll,
Her bookkeeper has the numbers organized and send monthly reports,
Contracts are solid and the business is legally compliant,
Her tax preparer is an email away, and
She has a routine to pay herself, her taxes, and her investments.
Say goodbye to:
😬 finance frustrations
😬 tax terrors and
😬 legal panics.
Say hello to:
😎 money stability
😎 Tax clarity
😎 and a chill vibes business
You’re killin it in your creative biz, but you feel like your marketing game has far outpaced your legal + legal acumen.
You feel like you're 1 second away from getting your ass sued or needing to sue someone else.
The thought of IRS hate mail flooding your mailbox keeps you up at night.
You’re just generally overwhelmed, stressed, and have #allthequestions
OR if
You’re feeling like pretty ok, but you want to learn more about…
…how you’re taxed & how to save.
…how to pay yourself & be profitable.
..how to protect your biz with contracts, LLCs, Trademarks, and insurance, and
Just generally how to set up a strong legal + tax foundation to grow your business with peace of mind.
Any fingers up? If yes, it’s time to
Real Talk.
It's totally possible to fully understand how your business is legally operating, what your obligations are, and what deadlines you need to meet. This doesn't require a law degree or a ton of time. Once you get started unf*cking your biz, you can
Wouldn’t it be great to just know when a certain document or payment is due? No need to worry about letters appearing in your mailbox from different agencies telling you that you owe late fees for something you never knew about in the first place. Life’s too short to stress over IRS hate mail.
It’s natural for us to increase expenses as we increase our income. New client, new software. New sale, yay! Time for that retreat! The more money you make, the easier it is to take on new expenses . . . but you also have to consider taxes, how much you're paying yourself, and all that not so exciting stuff.
How great would it be to rein it in, have a budget for business expenses, and actually put more money in your pocket through a simple, automated, and specific-to-you process?
When you have the information you need, you don't have to rely on an accountant or attorney to send you updates. Instead, you’d have the knowledge to take the necessary steps to keep your business up to speed. Plus, you’d be able to do this with minimal time investment on your part.
When you are ready to outsource, you'll feel like the true CEO of your business. You'll be able to oversee that work is being done correctly, obligations are being met, and that you're making smart investments in the right areas.
Instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop, or instead of feeling like you’re not doing something right… you’ll know what you need to do to unf*ck your biz, stay on the “right side of the law,” and protect yourself. Taxes and legal shit aren’t things you want to mess around with, but you CAN get on track with the right help.
Hop off the Carousel of Chaos and contradictory advice.
The lawyer says one thing. The accountant says another.
Peers groups don’t really know, and
The internet is a shit show.
You need one solution to piece it all together.
If you fully participate in the program, you WILL have your biz formed, a solid tax strategy, and be kicking the legal and tax gremlins to the curb.
Say goodbye to Litigious Linda, Mansplain Michaels, and Copycat Carlas all while stay off Uncle Sam’s naughty list.
UYB is 6 modules and about 70 short videos lessons that make up the core of the program.
The videos follow and teach you to implement the Unf*ck Your Biz Framework.
Get access to our state-by-state:
Small Business Blueprint that breaks down the LLC and S Corp formation steps in each step.
Contractor Classification Cheat sheet with the applicable laws in each state.
Quarterly tax payment guide with the how-to instructions for each state.
Sales Tax Nexus Guide to break down those rules in each state.
For each of these, we have a table of contents that links you to the separate page per state. And we plan to build out UYB with even more state-by-state guides.
We give you all the spreadsheet templates you need. Including our:
Bookkeeping Blueprint and course
Profit and Loss Snapshot
Income and Expense Tracker
Cash Flow Tracker
Quarterly Tax Calculator
But don’t worry! If you’re not a spreadsheet diva like us, we have step-by-step tutorial videos for you.
All the video tutorials you need in the Resource Roundup on things like:
The EIN application
Business licenses
LLC formation
Seller’s permit applications
And more
Plus, you get access to the bonus course on how to file your quarterlies.
Just know that each guide, video, template, cheatsheet, and checklist was created to help you tackle the specific objective in each lesson while cutting down the research and time you’d need to spend on your own.
Get your questions answered.
With a Q&A every week and a student-only Slack channel, you have ample opportunity to ask your questions. Braden, Connie our student-success manager, MJ our lawyer, and Misa our bookkeeper are all active in the group.
Whether you’re the business owner who hasn’t made a single dollar yet or the one who is in the multi-six figures and needs to hire things out, we believe you need the basic knowledge and know-how to Unf*ck Your Biz. Because:
You can hire a bookkeeper, but you need to know how to read the numbers,
You can hire an accountant, but you need to know enough to know when to ask questions and what questions to ask,
You can hire a lawyer, but need to know for what and when.
You’re the CEO of your business. You need the knowledge and know-how to manage everyone you hire.
You graduate and move on to self-manage your business.
You join our alumni membership for accountability and Q&A support.
You become one of our monthly clients where we manage the bookkeeping for you, do your taxes, and provide on-demand legal services.
Unf*ck Your Biz can replace the cost of spending:
😬 $200+ per legal template
😬 $300+/hour to a business attorney
😬 $300+ to haphazardly form your business entity with one of those online filing services
😬 $200+ per month to a bookkeeper
😬 $1,000+ on your tax return
😬 $1,500+ on a trademark, particularly if it's not the right time.
And can save you:
😬 Excess taxes paid because you formed your S Corp too late or too early
😬 Late fees on quarterly taxes
😬 Lost revenue to client refund
😬 Penalties for contractor misclassification
😬 And much more
Let’s talk VALUE
That’s a reasonable estimation if you hired someone to do the scope of work covered in UYB.
and let’s talk money saved.
From, income tax penalties and interest, misclassification audits, ripped off trademarks, non-paying clients, and more. That’s also potentially in the tens of thousands.
plus, consider the cost of not knowing your numbers.
How much money are you leaving on the table? Can reading the numbers help you make a $10,000 decisions, or shit a $100,000 decision. Sometimes it’s as simple as knowing what’s working and what’s not working and then moving ahead accordingly.
Let’s talk cost
$2,000 value
6 modules, 70+ lessons, and a 400 page textbook. You might not HAVE to read all that, but it’s there if you need it.
Weekly support.
$1000 value
We do a weekly live Q&A with a core focus each week to keep folks on track. Between calls you can ask questions in our member-only Slack channel.
Resource Roundup.
$500 value
With the course, you also get access to the resource roundup, a vault full of filing tutorials, templates, guides, and more.
Muhahahah. I kid of course, but how do you put a price on community? Each member will join our community Slack group for the 6 weeks they’re in our group study program.
Hi! I'm Braden.
💅 California licensed attorney with a master’s degree in tax law
💅 Fellow small business owner
💅 Teacher to over 100 creative clients in my law firm and 250+ students in group coaching program/s.
💅 Author of Unf*ck Your Biz, the book.
💅 400 podcast episodes done,
Ultimately, what we all want is a healthy and profitable business. I brought all my education and expertise into this one program in 2019 to bring that mission to life. Since, over 100 creatives have gone through this program.
You could be our next success story
"I do a lot of educational courses online and other things and there's nothing like this that I've come across. Anything I've taken up until this point hasn't, I feel like added nearly as much value to my business as this single program."
Emily, Owner of Anna Delores Photography
Last year, I took Braden’s program, and it was hands down the best money I have spent on my business for this phase of my business.. It set me up for success in a business growth year, which was truly a bananas for myself and the just where we were in the industry. It gave me the solid cash flow systems I needed to make it through.
Crystal, Owner of Crystal Lilly Creative
Hear from our Graduates on the Podcast.
This group program actually teaches you legal, tax, bookkeeping, and financial basics. Hiring out for each of these roles is not in budget for the vast majority of business owners not yet making six figures. Plus, we’ve come to learn it’s not even the best move.
Here's a quote from Emily, owner of Anna Delores Photography that show why it's always good to learn on your own.
"I really decided to work with Braden because of the support with the LLC formation. I’m starting to hire employees so I knew I needed it. At first, I really just wanted to hire you 1-on-1, but you talked me into doing the course instead, and I’m so glad I did because the LLC part was pretty easy and I really needed all the other info in the program.
Going through the program, I learned so many things that I didn't even know that I needed, honestly. Like a basic understanding of cashflow is huge on its own. It’s kind of embarrassing that I ran my business for seven years without 100% knowing what my profit. I was just paying my bills and myself when I could thinking “Oh this is fine.”
To be an A+ student, we recommend setting aside about 2 hours per week for the program, and you can likely then finish in 10 weeks with a fully unfucked business along with the group.
You get access to the course for the lifetime of the course.
And 10 weeks of group coaching support to get through the program.
I’ve done it. You can too.
By the time I got my bar results, I had a 480 credit score. Yikes. It was a struggle. I made $12,000 in my first year of business. In year 3, I generated, $70,000 year, but at 50% profitability, that left only about $25,000 after tax.
I felt like I could barely contribute to our household finances, which created personal stress, and a constant worry about whether I’d be able to able to stay self-employed while striving towards my bigger goals.
Around this time, I dug deep, focused on profit, prioritized paying myself, and built systems to serve each of these goals. Now, I have a multi-six figure business, am paying myself a regular salary, and I want to help you do the same.'
Growing up, I always loved HGTV and art. I dabbled in graphic design with little success.
I taught myself to knit, poorly. I was a sales associate for West Elm where I had difficulty designing for anyone that had different taste from myself. I even once bought DSLR, shot on auto for a year, gave up and sold it.
Why do I tell you these things? I have many times tried and failed to be a "creative" myself.
While it doesn't take much talent to have a creative hobby, it definitely takes skill and practice to monetize a creative passion and turn it into a career.
By working with creatives, I am able to use my skill in law and tax while also vicariously working in the creative industry through all of you amazing creativepreneurs. That's why I love what I do.
I personally cannot wait to guide you over the coming months…
I wake up every morning excited to roll up my sleeves and help my people.
In the process, I have helped hundreds of business owners shift from the constant confusion around legal and tax obligations to confidently knocking those tasks out and shifting focus to making strategic, profit driven decisions.
You owe it to yourself to do the same. We will dial in your long-term goals to help you focus on your short term objectives.
Inside of the Profit Rx, you will take real, tangible action to move your business forward, put more money in your personal bank account, and protect it with solid legal strategy.
Let's cheers to profit!